Ad in & on our cars

Let our fleet work for you!

Advertising can be just as easy as driving a car – anywhere and anytime!

We offer you an extraordinary opportunity. Use our vehicles as mobile advertising space for your company! adMobil Car Communications and Avis are offering you the possibility to place advertising on our vans and to use our cars for special promotions.

Outdoor advertising plays a very important role in Switzerland, making up 12.5% of the overall advertising volume. It is one of the most effective advertising media, for it can neither be zapped away nor just overlooked or thrown away. Take this opportunity for your company, you will be astonished how much can be achieved with just a little budget.

You want to address national or international prospective customers? No problem! Depending on your goals, you choose whether you want to promote your company on the outside of our utility vans or inside our rental cars. Thus you have the possibility to address both national and international customers, according to your needs.

Avis and adMobil guarantee that the vehicles are permanently in use during the running period of the promotion. The permanent care for the vehicles guarantees that the advertising space is kept clean and that the films are checked regularly for damage. Damaged films are replaced immediately.

Hundreds of cars are rented from Avis every day. Therefore, you can also place your advertising inside our rental cars. Because of the great number of rentals, supplements such as magazines or trade samples guarantee a very large number of direct contacts with end consumers.

For further information and prices, please contact adMobil directly (Internet site in german):

Phone +49 (0)6171 63 050
Fax +49 (0)6171 63 0521